Hampton Snake Removal
Snake removal is also a very common call that Animal Control Solutions receive throughout the spring, summer and fall. Snake activities tend to die down in this area in the wintertime.
Most people will report that they have seen a copperhead looking snake near their home or business however we have found that on most occasions the snake that is in your home will either be a rat snake or one of several garden-variety of snakes that is found in Hampton area. Snakes usually hide in wood and sawdust piles, abandoned farm buildings, junkyards and old construction sites.
There are two possibilities of venomous snakes being in the Virginia Beach area the first possibility is a snake called a copperhead. A copperhead is a venomous snake that grows to approximately 36 to 40 inches long and has black hourglass shapes a crossed its entire length of body. The main coloration on this copperhead is the color of a Copper penny. The snakes can be very aggressive and are venomous and they should never be approached. Always call Animal Control Solutions to deal with this type of snake.
Cottonmouth snakes are also found within this area of Virginia commonly on or near the Waters edge. The photo above is of a cottonmouth snake found in the Hampton area. If you have a snake that you are not sure about call Animal Control Solutions at 757-528-8527. Never take a chance, call today!
Snake Facts:
- The black rat snake, as the name implies, is completely black except for a white chin
- Hatchlings are often mistaken for copperheads because their skin patterns are similar
- They coil their body and vibrate their tails in dead leaves to simulate a rattle
- Rat snakes produce a foul-smelling musk and release it on the predator if they are picked up, spreading the musk around with their tail
- Rat snakes are primarily known as rodent eaters, however other food preferences do exist
- Copperheads are medium-size snakes, averaging between 2 and 3 feet
- Copperheads are the only kind of snakes with hourglass-shaped markings.
- Copperheads bellies are white, yellowish, or a light brown color and their pupils are vertical like cats eyes with irises that are usually orange, tan or reddish-brown
- The length of a copperhead’s fangs is related to the length of the snake — the longer the snake, the longer the fangs.
- When touched, copperheads sometimes emit a musk that smells like cucumbers.